Donald Trump has done many things since he was inaugurated for his Grover Cleaveland-style second term as president of the United States. Things widely regarded as bad moves have made many people very, very upset and angry.
But as of writing this, the president has spoken with the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netenyahu, in the White House and has brought a revelation to the world. The president labeled Gaza as a “demolition zone” and has proposed a United States military take-over. Then displacing, or actually—deporting—the Palestinians from their destroyed and native home while American troops “clean up” the area.
But, according to The Washington Post after a comment from the White House, the president has possibly rescinded this as his “Gaza plan doesn’t include troops, U.S. funds to rebuild.” Regardless of the president’s contradictory nature, his stance on the matter is clear: take charge of the conflict and resolve the matter with force and action. Violently.
A drastic change from the Biden Administration and Democratic Party’s approach of supporting Israel with bombs and dollars and propaganda that split its voter base while America was plunging into a rotten economy.
Bombs, dollars and propaganda with a rotten economy the President has taken and poured gasoline onto. The rot is putrid now and churning. He hasn’t found the matches yet…and it’s only a matter of time before he does.
Whatever happens, the middle class family will have to pick up the tab for taxes. As they always do. It’s expected. Normal. Not as if the middle class does anything about it to change that. Effectively, anyway, and without real design. They’ll take it. Like college students taking garbage from their university.
Some, like history professors, will claim that war is good for the U.S. economy, however I will remind you that the economy has evolved past the needs and concerns for the average person. A war hasn’t done the common American citizen a favor since World War II, when it mass employed everyone to fight Nazis and the evil rule they had dealt upon the world.
Funny how things have turned out.
Besides, as it’s been reported, as it’s been documented and live streamed over the internet, TikTok especially, sparking much activism and attention to the entire problem—this is not a war. It is a slaughter.
One that’s murdered more innocent civilians, more Israeli hostages than any Hamas-led militant—supposedly—in tunnels under hospitals and schools.
No one benefits from a slaughter. Especially another man’s thirst for it.
Now, I challenge President Trump to answer me this:
What good comes from supporting this conflict? What gains does America get from supporting this, even more than your predecessor? What glory does this attribute to Americans?
Mr. President, how does this make America great?
If there is no answer, nor even a legitimate one to this question, then I can only reasonably assume that it does not. And if it does not, then that means you are wasting your countrymen’s time, tax dollars, and likely their lives as you do contribute to their welfare—only take from it.
I can only hope that any American soldier who finds themselves in Gaza, picking up the slack of murdering innocent civilians or cleaning up the mess of dead, burnt and buried Palestinian children and their mothers, earn a decent pay for doing it.
Especially as the Israeli Army will likely throw out lawn chairs and watch because, after all, we Americans will do anything asked of us.
At the very least, as the President is shaking up the whole U.S. government and putting many people, Americans, at risk of sexual and racial violence, massive federal unemployment and a general sense of insecurity across the board—I ask that he provides well for the troops.
Especially as they will do another man’s work.
Handle another man’s problem.
Fight another man’s war.
That’s the least he can do. Plus, doesn’t he love the troops?