The News’ seniors sign off

Dionte Berry/The News

Dionte Berry

I joined The News team when I was a freshman in the fall of 2019 with zero journalism experience. At that point I didn’t know what a big role The News would play in the next three years of my college experience. I have worked multiple positions over the years and I am proud to be finishing my undergraduate experience as the Editor-in-Chief of The News. 

I am thankful for the editors who were guides to me when I first joined their ranks, always willing to answer my constant questions and work with my Adobe illiteracy. I am thankful for the editors who have joined during my tenure that I have seen grow into great and confident editors.

I would also like to thank the current Adviser of The News Carol Terracina Hartman and the former Adviser Stephanie Anderson. During their respective times at The News they have been rocks that I have been able to rely on.

Lastly, I would like to thank those who read our newspapers, scroll through our website and like our posts on social media. Thank you for supporting student journalism, young members of the fourth estate.

Photo courtesy of Breckyn McKinney

Emery Wainscott
Chief Copy Editor

When I first heard of The News, I thought there was no way I had the ability to be part of something like a college newspaper. Thankfully, my professor at the time praised my writing and encouraged me to apply. I knew I had strengths (and weaknesses) I needed to hone and work on, and there was no better place to do such than The News.

Murray State’s Department of Journalism and Mass Communications taught me to always have a backup of your backup of your backup. It taught me to triple check both my mic and audio recorder are on before I interview someone. It taught me a lede can be reworked 20 times—and in the end, the first one you had was the best choice. 

But most importantly, it taught me resilience and determination by chasing a good story, patience by knowing when to let a story go and kindness by knowing and allowing someone to back out of a story. 

I want to thank my fantastic journalism professors—particularly Professor Leigh Wright for never giving up on me. And thank you to the readers, who keep us on our toes.

Happy graduation!

Will Groves/The News

Will Groves
Opinion Editor

If you ask any of my friends to describe me, “opinionated” would be one of the most common answers. As a political science major, I am always ecstatic when someone asks me my opinions on current political issues, and I am so glad to have had the opportunity to share these opinions with our readers.

I would like to thank my fellow members of the Editorial Board and Adviser Carol Terracina-Hartman for their assistance in my understanding of journalism. Thank you for reeling me back in when I got a little too ambitious and for inspiring ideas when it seemed like nothing was going on in the world.

Thank you to my friends from the Department of Political Science and Sociology who recommended I apply for the Opinion Editor position and now consistently read the newspaper. When the position opened up for my last semester of undergraduate studies, I knew I had to jump on the opportunity. I would not trade this experience for the world.

Finally, thank you to our readers. We at The Murray State News would not be able to put out our content without your support.

Dionte Berry/The News

Raleigh Hightower
Lifestyle Editor

When I first got involved with The News my junior year, I really had no idea what to expect. Initially, I was just looking to get more involved and grow my resume. Even though as a political science major I had no connection to journalism, what we do here at The News became personal for me rather quickly. 

From the first story I wrote with The News, I have always enjoyed the voice we have on campus. Here at The News we get to recognize people and bring them into the spotlight for the things they’re passionate about, the effort they have put into building the university community and for their creativity. Oftentimes it seems like the same people are ones being praised and recognized, and I have always enjoyed being able to cast the light on projects that might have flown under most people’s radar. 

While I may not be pursuing a future in journalism, the experiences I have gained through The News will always follow me. I would like to extend the highest level of respect to my counterparts here at The News who have time and time again selflessly dedicated themselves to the University community.