Student group aims to encourage eco-friendly habits

Members of the Earth Project tabling outside of Carr Hall to educate students on the environmental benefits of reusable water bottles. (Photo courtesy of @theearthproject_23 on Instagram)

MacKenzie Rogers, Staff Writer

Founded to advocate and promote the ways people can better the planet, the students behind the Earth Project use the motto “do what you can” to encourage their fellow students to be more environmentally friendly.

The project is part of the course NLS 465 Policy, Legal Issues and Advocacy for Social Change in Nonprofit Organizations taught by Robin Esau, instructor in nonprofit leadership studies.

One member, junior public relations major Rebekah Lynn, said they hope their advocacy will help encourage their fellow college students to help the planet.

“We teamed up to advocate, to help the Earth by encouraging college students to ‘do what you can’ to save the Earth,” Lynn said. “Our goal is to help college students realize there are simple ways they can help the Earth. It’s not so bad once you get going because we are not on this Earth long and we want to take care of it.”

The United States generated more than 40 million tons of plastic waste in 2021 alone, with only 5 to 6% of that being recycled, according to Statista.

To combat this, the project suggests simple ways anyone can help the planet, from buying secondhand clothes to switching to reusable water bottles to picking up sidewalk trash.

“My favorite way we can help the earth is by using a reusable water bottle,” Lynn said. “I’ve used one for years, and it eliminates so much waste, and plus, buying disposable bottles can get expensive.”

Another member, junior Maggie Choate, is a nonprofit leadership studies and business administration major. She says advocating for the Earth and taking initiative to change is simple.

“It’s easy to advocate for a cause, but [the cause] is not easily attainable for people,” Choate said. “So our goal was to advocate for bettering the earth in any way you can in your day-to-day life instead of getting overwhelmed by unavailable resources, politics, time, whatever it may be.”

The group organized an event outside of Carr Health on April 18 and 20, where they handed out stickers and planted various types of seeds, informing those who stopped by of what they could do to change their lifestyles to be more environmentally conscious. St

“Each one of us loves spending time outdoors, whether that’s running, fishing, kayaking, enjoying a hammock, horseback riding or hiking, and we never want to take that for granted,” Choate said. “I’m a lover of houseplants and wanted to connect something that I love with our project, which is why we were planting seeds at our table.”

Anyone interested in learning more about the Earth Project can follow the club’s Instagram @theearthproject_2023.