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The Student Newspaper of Murray State

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

Various spaces across campus feature small lounges for student relaxation and studying.

Discover new study locations across campus

Madison Miller, Staff Writer September 5, 2024

As the semester picks up momentum, Murray State students dedicate more time to their class workload. The recent closure of the Waterfield Library’s basement...

Finals is upon us. Time to figure out some successful studying strategies.

Studying strategies to survive finals week

Nate Curlin, Contributing Writer November 30, 2023

As we near the end of the semester, students face the most dreaded part of it: Finals Week. With the week approaching so quickly, some students have already...

COVID-19 efficacy survey accessible through the QR Code.

Faculty conduct survey on COVID-19 vaccine attitudes

August 25, 2022

Ava Chuppe Staff Writer Faculty members conducting a study on perceptions of COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and safety are encouraging...

Tutoring available despite COVID-19

Tutoring available despite COVID-19

September 24, 2020

Sarah Mead Staff Writer Murray State developed new campus tutoring options to comply with COVID-19 standards and to help students...

As state pulls back, students pay

January 16, 2015

Students are paying more for their higher education than the amount of money  state funded universities are receiving, according to a government study...

Four-year graduation rates below 30 percent

September 12, 2014

Of the approximately 1,500 first-time freshmen beginning their fourth week of classes at Murray State this week, less than one third of them will graduate...

University to develop relationship in China

January 31, 2014

Following this fall’s announcement that Qingdao Agricultural University will become Murray State’s new sister university, a group of University members...

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