Senior wide receiver Walter Powell was arrested Sunday night after an altercation nearly 24 hours earlier.
According to the warrant of arrest obtained from the Calloway County Circuit Clerk’s office, Powell was charged with fourth-degree assault and theft by unlawful taking of less than $500.
The warrant of arrest was issued Sunday morning, and Powell was arrested at his residence that night at 11:16 p.m.
The incident occurred at the Murray-Calloway County Fairgrounds in Murray at 11:46 p.m. Saturday.
The female victim’s affidavit regarding what happened reads:
“We said words to each other and then walked away. He then approached me and we went to the back of the building to talk.
He took my phone and threw it on the ground. A girl that I did not know picked it up and gave it to me. The screen was severely cracked and it did not work.
He went away and I stood in the back crying. He then approached me again and took me to the back of the building.
We talked and he got mad so he punched me in the right side of the face. He then took my clutch which had my keys, my credit card and $10 in it.
I didn’t know what to do so I got my friend’s phone and called the police. The police then showed up at the fairgrounds. My property was not returned.”
According to an official at the Calloway County Jail, Powell was released at 12:25 a.m. Monday.
The conditions of release and judicial decision were also obtained from the circuit clerk’s office.
According to the document, Powell was released on a $500 surety bond Monday. The conditions of his release include:
• not consuming any alcohol or illegal drugs
• random drug testing
• making all scheduled court appearances
• no new arrests, no violation of law/no contact or communication with victim
The Murray State Athletics Department released an official statement at 3:43 p.m. Wednesday regarding Powell.
“The Athletic Department is aware of the incident involving Walter Powell, and has been investigating it the past few days in an attempt to identify the facts surrounding the matter. We do not condone any type of behavior that would embarrass the program, the University or be harmful to any individual. Based on our findings to date, and current knowledge of the event in question, we do not believe any suspension or punishment is warranted. Should additional information come to light, the matter will be re-examined as necessary.”
The investigation is ongoing at this time.
Powell is scheduled to appear in court at 9 a.m. Nov. 12.
Updated at 11:33 p.m.
Story by Ryan Richardson, Sports Editor, and Meghann Anderson, News Editor.