Story by Emily Williams, Contributing writer
Murray will be receiving both an Arby’s and a Rally’s in the near future joining the many other fast food restaurant chains in the city.
Aaron Dail, president of the Murray-Calloway County Chamber of Commerce, said no official opening dates are set in stone, but he estimates the grand opening of these restaurants in spring 2017. The dates however, depend on construction schedules that are dictated by weather conditions.
“We’re hoping for a mild and dry winter,” Dail said. “That will help with construction.”
Dail said Murray, and Calloway County as a whole, are on the radar for different retailers.
“I know Arby’s and Rally’s are just another notch on the belt, but when we get the Panera’s of the world and those nationally-recognized brands, it’s helpful,” Dail said. “It’s helpful to the diversity of the economy here, but it also signals others brands that Murray can sustain that type of restaurant or retailer, or any kind of business associated with the higher-end brand.”

Keith Miller, Building Official for the city of Murray, said they have received the plans for the new Arby’s and are in the plan review process.
“They haven’t actually applied for the building permit yet, but I see that coming in the next week or so,” Miller said. “I’ve been in contact with the architects on the Rally’s, but that’s as far as we’ve gotten with that one.”
Miller said the restaurants will be on two separate lots in the same general vicinity. He said he believes the contractor for both projects is W.D. Steele Construction Services.
“Arby’s is going on the corner closest to St. Leo’s,” Miller said. “The Rally’s will go closest to where Don Sol is on the back side of that corner.”
Nathan Atkins, Murray State alumnus and current citizen of Murray, said he is very excited for both the new Arby’s and Rally’s because he’s wanted an Arby’s since moving to Murray four years ago.
“Everybody told me that we used to have one,” Atkins said. “People who had been living in Murray for forever said we have had three different Arby’s and they all sucked because service was bad and they were dirty. We’ve never had one again, so I’m glad we are getting one now.”
Atkins said he thinks the new Arby’s and Rally’s will be good competition for other restaurants such as Cookout and Culver’s.
“Apparently Rally’s is strictly burgers and fries and is fairly cheap,” Atkins said. “So that’s good for a college community.”