Head Coach Mitch Stewart has completed his staff for the 2015 season of Racer football according to GoRacers.com.
Among the staff additions are Brandon Cooper who will serve as the linebackers and special teams coach and Eddie Hicks as the cornerbacks coach. Returning to the team will be Sean Dawkins at running backs.

Before entering the Racers team on the defensive staff, Cooper gained seven years experience on the collegiate level. Previously Cooper has worked on staff with University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Jacksonville State and UT Martin.
Another new addition, Hicks begins his first season at Murray State from the University of California at Berkeley. Prior to that he a part of the California Hicks where he served on the defensive team for the University of Cincinnati. The breakthrough in his career began with Alcorn State in 2012.
Finally, returning to the staff is Dawkins who spent a season at Chattanooga after spending four seasons with the racers. He came to Murray State in 2009 after spending his previous season at Huntingdon College which was his predecessor to West Texas A&M.