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The Murray State News

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

Women will always stand out

Women will always stand out

April 5, 2019

With the passing of March, Women’s History Month draws to a close, sticking the excited babble around feminism back in the closet until next year when...

The world revolves around STEM, or does it?

The world revolves around STEM, or does it?

April 1, 2019

Murray State will once again be separating the theatre and global language departments. In 2017, the department of modern languages and the department...

A chemical imbalance: Gender profile reveals women outnumber men in Murray State science labs

A chemical imbalance: Gender profile reveals women outnumber men in Murray State science labs

November 30, 2017

Story by Sydni Anderson, Staff writer Photos courtesy of Gary Zeruth              Opportunity abounds for Murray State students who spend...

March for Science: Murray State professor speaks out in the name of science

March for Science: Murray State professor speaks out in the name of science

April 27, 2017

By Joel Polarek, Contributing writer Evolutionary Biologist and Murray State professor Laura Beckers spoke Saturday at the Paducah satellite March for...

John Muenzberg

The Anthropic Principle

September 11, 2015

Column by John Muenzberg, Lecturer of philosophy Critical thinking is a major goal of education. In an article titled “What are the Odds?” Laura...

Chalice Keith/The News
Josh Ridley, assistant professor of physics, speaks to the crowd.

University professors discuss God, ‘Big Bang Theory’

September 4, 2015

Story by Brianna Willis, Staff writer The theater on the third floor of Curris Center was bustling and cheerful Monday Aug. 31, all to hear about...

Researchers share infographic highlighting rise of women in the several scientific, mathematic fields

Researchers share infographic highlighting rise of women in the several scientific, mathematic fields

October 9, 2012, a education online business resource compiled an infographic aimed at gearing more women toward fields like science, technology, engineering...

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