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The Student Newspaper of Murray State

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

Lori Allen/The News
Wesley Bolin announced he is running against Ed Whitfield for a seat in congress.

Student runs for Congress: 25-year-old Wesley Bolin faces incumbent

February 7, 2014

Murray State student Wesley Bolin announced his candidacy for Congress from Kentucky's First District. Bolin, 25-year-old Democrat and history major...

Two explosions near finish line at Boston Marathon kills two, injures many

April 15, 2013

This timeline of events will be updated as the story progresses. All information has been obtained by the Associated Press, all time is Eastern Standard...

Students take advantage of recent 5K phenomenon

April 11, 2013

As the weather warms, Murray State students are taking part in the recent 5K phenomenon, the Color Run. Known as the happiest 5K on the planet, the color...

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