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The Student Newspaper of Murray State

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

Steve Schwetman is awarded the Kentucky Broadcasters Association Excellence in Broadcasting Award for Best Morning Show. Photo Courtesy of WKYQ Facebook.)

Alumnus wins first award of its kind

October 30, 2019

Grant Dillard Staff Writer [email protected] Georgia Moore Contributing Writer [email protected] A Murray State alumnus received the...

WKMS to host special guest during ‘Live Lunch’ broadcast

February 27, 2015

It seems impossible that the radio can break away from playing the same music that we hear on a daily basis.  It’s all golden oldies, country hits and...

Taurus Moore

Moore: It’s a punk rock life

January 23, 2015

As I was in the office of WKMS-FM 91.3 in Murray, it was refreshing to hear the band Fugazi’s song titled, “Waiting Room.” After hearing the song...

WKMS debuts new program, baking contest

WKMS debuts new program, baking contest

August 30, 2012

WKMS, Murray State’s nonprofit radio station, will be debuting a new conversation program titled “Sounds Good” on Sept. 4. The new program will...

Radio show fills CFSB Center with laughter, bluegrass

Radio show fills CFSB Center with laughter, bluegrass

November 10, 2011

Savannah Sawyer Staff writer It was a packed night Saturday at the CSFB Center with people of all ages. The University had the honor of hosting...

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