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The Student Newspaper of Murray State

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

Members of St. John's Episcopal Church worked a booth at Murray's Pride at the park on Sept. 16.

Affirming Murray churches show their pride

Ania Delaney Boutin, Chief Videographer October 19, 2023

Brittany Sutherland spends most of her time listening to other people’s stories. The pastor at Murray’s First Presbyterian Church, Sutherland says...

A group of Murray State students, professors and Murray natives join together to celebrate Murray Pride Fest and March.

Murray Pride: LGBTQ+ support in the community

Gray Hawkins, Contributing Writer September 21, 2023

Locals celebrated Murray Pridefest on Saturday Sept. 16 with a weekend of LGBTQ+ support through community events.  Pride Month is celebrated across...

A group of Murray State students, professors and Murray natives join together to celebrate Murray Pride Fest and March.

PHOTOS: Murray Pride Fest

Rebeca Mertins Chiodini, Photo Editor September 19, 2023


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