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The Student Newspaper of Murray State

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

The reimagination for The News was announced to current adviser Carol Terracina-Hartman on May 2 without consultation from her or any other workers from The News. (Dionte Berry/The News)

Staff opinion: Department compromises student journalism

Staff Opinion May 11, 2023

As the semester ends, the editors at The News learned about new changes to theĀ  student-run newspaper that compromise our policy of having a free campus...

Mollie Carter listens in on her Zoom class from her residential college room. (Jill Rush/The News)

Students and professors prefer in-person classes

February 10, 2021

Edie Greenberg Contributing Writer [email protected] Murray State students and professors say they appreciate the opportunities Zoom sessions...

Therese Saint Paul teaches some of her French classes via Zoom. (Jill Rush/The News)

Professors adjust to new virtual learning environment

September 23, 2020

Ben Overby Contributing Writer [email protected] Professors are adapting to new teaching circumstances alongside students who are learning in...

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