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The Student Newspaper of Murray State

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

Crossword solution

Crossword solution

MacKenzie Rogers, Lifestyle Editor September 12, 2024

Across 4. Racer-One: Score a touchdown, watch me run 5. Shoe-tree: Strike me down, best out of three 6. Curris: Where there was once a bowling...

Haley Hays/The News
Andrew Skovron, junior from Louisville, Ky., takes a break from studying to watch Netflix instead of cable television.

Cable subscriptions low since online steaming gained strength

February 6, 2015

With thousands of movies and TV-series featured and the amount of users increasing each year, Netflix offers an entertainment experience for all consumers...

Fumi Nakamura/The News
Jason Robertson, junior from St. Louis, Mo., browses Netflix for something to watch.

Students explore TV options

February 21, 2014

Being at home with a blank schedule can give students plenty of time to catch up on social activities, to read a book or spend countless hours binge...

Water Cooler: Sept. 28

September 27, 2012

Perry named Woman of Year Singer Katy Perry was named Billboard Magazine’s Woman of the Year on Tuesday. Perry has sold 48 million tracks in the...

Students enjoy food, music at annual Madrigal Dinner

December 1, 2011

Savannah Sawyer Staff writer  Now that Thanksgiving has passed, Christmas is right around the corner. What better way to celebrate than attending...

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