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The Student Newspaper of Murray State

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

Our View: Young candidates need the opportunity to shine

Our View: Young candidates need the opportunity to shine

Will Groves, Opinion Editor April 20, 2023

The world of politics is getting older and older. Over the past 10 years, a president who is almost two times the average age of a U.S. citizen has run...

Murray State University freshman Azzie Cunningham from Asheville, North Carolina, joined members of Congress, luminaries, award-winning authors and renowned civil rights activists for the Congressional Civil Rights Pilgrimage this past spring in Alabama. Pictured from left are Ruby Bridges, the first child integrated into the William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana in 1960, and Azzie. (Photo Courtesy of Murray State)

Student embarks on Civil Rights Pilgrimage

September 24, 2020

Ciara Benham Staff Writer [email protected] In March, freshman Azzie Cunningham marched with more than 40 members of Congress for the Congressional...

Faculty and staff run in elections

November 8, 2018

Story by Breanna Harris, Contributing writer  Seven Murray State faculty members were on the Nov. 6 ballot, and four of these faculty members were...

What we allow

What we allow

March 1, 2018

Written by Dylan Doyle, Contributing writer I will be frank: in recent months, the ruling party in our nation has poisoned our body politic. You are...

Opinion Post Thumbnail

Dream on

September 14, 2017

The staff editorial is the majority opinion of                       The Murray State News Editorial Board Immigration reform was a huge...

Lori Allen/The News
Wesley Bolin announced he is running against Ed Whitfield for a seat in congress.

Student runs for Congress: 25-year-old Wesley Bolin faces incumbent

February 7, 2014

Murray State student Wesley Bolin announced his candidacy for Congress from Kentucky's First District. Bolin, 25-year-old Democrat and history major...

Congressman talks politics, answers questions

March 28, 2013

Rep. Ed Whitfield of Hopkinsville, Kentucky, held a town hall meeting attended by residents of Murray and Murray State students, administrators, and...

Senator visits Murray

January 19, 2012

Austin Ramsey News Editor U.S. Sen. Rand Paul formally helped kick off U.S. Rep. Ed Whitfield’s campaign for re-election with a meet-and-greet...

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