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The Student Newspaper of Murray State

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

Owners Janeen Sutton and Susan Williams explore their passions for needlework and how it influenced their entry into the business world.

Needleworking hobby turns into business

MacKenzie Rogers, Lifestyle Editor March 14, 2024

What started as hobbies have long since turned into a business for two passionate needleworkers.  Red Bug Yarn & Gifts opened in 2010 when Trudy...

Business professors win award for published manuscript

Business professors win award for published manuscript

October 10, 2016

Story by Emily Williams, Contributing writer Murray State professors Murphy Smith, Katherine Taken Smith and Stefan Linnhoff of the Arthur J. Bauernfiend...

Robert Valentine
Senior lecturer
of advertising

There’s no business like…

April 7, 2016

Column by Robert Valentine, Senior lecturer of advertising There is much talk these days about running things like a business. Most of it is wrong.  ...

A ‘bittersweet’ ending for Yogurt Your Weigh

October 29, 2015

Story by Abby Siegel, Contributing writer Yogurt Your Weigh will lock their doors for the final time at 9 p.m. Oct. 31. The local business made...

Hannah Fowl/The News
Jamicha Phelps, owner of Grooming with Love and Kindness, cleans the ears of Rico in her shop.

Pre-veterinary student opens successful business from home

December 5, 2014

Jamicha Phelps always knew she was an animal lover. That idea quickly turned into a booming business over the past couple of years. Phelps opened Grooming...

Gov. Steve Beshear, right, speaks with Murray State President Randy Dunn shortly before announcing Murray’s newest international business investment. || Austin Ramsey/The News

German auto supplier to operate in Murray

December 6, 2012

Gov. Steve Beshear announced German automotive supplier iwis (pronounced ee-vis and written in lower case) will establish its first U.S.-based manufacturing...

Graphic by Erin Jackel/The News

Businesses keep coming: Fazoli’s among new developments

November 17, 2011

Ed Marlowe Staff writer Despite news of a down economy, Calloway County will have new businesses open to the public as early as spring of 2012. Construction...

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