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The Student Newspaper of Murray State

The Murray State News

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The Murray State News

The Murray State News

Photo courtesy of E. Josiah Kenty.

Former athlete’s new book redefines victory

Bri Hunter, Editor in Chief March 6, 2025

Student athletes may experience an identity crisis after graduating and grieve their connection to the story. E. Josiah Kenty, former football player and...

Screenshot from

Alumni and former students join petition to demand accountability

Ania Delaney Boutin, News Editor February 21, 2025

Alumni and former students have joined the effort to demand accountability from Murray State University following last weekend’s power outage that displaced...

The inaugural Kentucky Comedy Festival comes to Lovett Auditorium on Oct. 19-20. (Photo courtesy of Ben Wilson)

Alumnus set to bring comedy festival to campus

Raleigh Hightower, Lifestyle Editor February 16, 2023

In an effort to create a different kind of comedy experience in western Kentucky, Murray State alumnus Ben Wilson is bringing the Kentucky Comedy Festival...

Randy Simmons' "You and the Clouds" drawing portrays his mother at the onset of COVID-19.

Centennial juried exhibit celebrates alumni artists

Raleigh Hightower, Lifestyle Editor September 22, 2022

In celebration of Murray State’s centennial year, the Department of Art and Design is hosting a juried art exhibition for the department’s alumni. The...

Alumnus Phillip Dishon's 11-page horror script 'Everyone' has won five awards at film festivals, and his script 'Staring Contest' is a Top 10 submission at the Killer Shorts competition.

Alumnus wins awards with short horror scripts

March 18, 2022

Raleigh Hightower Lifestyle Editor Murray State alumnus Phillip Dishon has embarked on an award-winning entertainment career,...

Dina Byers facilitated the panel discussing the challenges women face in healthcare. (Mason Galemore/The News)

Zoom panel discusses women in healthcare

March 31, 2021

Mason Galemore Contributing Writer Healthcare providers have always shown their compassion and commitment towards their...

Many Cohen band members are alumni of Murray State. Pictured left to right: Kenton Smith, Trever Williams, Nick Erickson, Zachary Orr, Gage Girten. (Photo courtesy of Nick Erickson)

Murray State alumni signs record deal

November 12, 2020

Ciara Benham Staff Writer Murray State alumni have taken their nu metalcore band, Cohen, to the next level after signing with...

Stay tuned to The Murray State News social media pages for updates on the first homecoming reunion. (Gage Johnson/The News)

The News set to have virtual Homecoming reunion

October 22, 2020

Mason Galemore Contributing Writer Alumni of The News have been invited to reconnect for The News’ virtual Homecoming...

(Photo Courtesy of Roberts Law Office)

Alumnus sworn in as a special justice on Kentucky Supreme Court

May 6, 2020

Jillian Rush Contributing Writer Murray State alumnus Jeff Roberts was sworn in as a special justice on the Kentucky Supreme...

Tuition grant created for legacy students

Tuition grant created for legacy students

October 2, 2019

Iris Snapp Contributing Writer Beginning in summer 2020, the University will offer a new grant to the children of Murray State...

Alumnus David Bailey travels the world in his Murray State gear.
(Photo Courtesy of David Bailey)

Alumnus travels in racer style

September 26, 2019

Grant Dillard Staff Writer Murray State graduate David Bailey has spent his retirement traveling the world to visit...

Madison Moxley and Mason Whitis
announced their engagement with an 80s inspired photoshoot that
celebrated the couple's sense of humor. (courtesy Madison Moxley)

Alumni go viral with engagement photos

September 11, 2019

Claire Smith Features Editor One Murray State couple took a different approach to their engagement photos--an ‘80s-style...

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