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The Murray State News

The Murray State News

The Murray State News

Forum held to meet provost candidate

Forum held to meet provost candidate

November 7, 2016

Story by Bella Utley, Contributing writer On Nov. 7, Murray State held an open forum for faculty, staff and members of the campus community to meet...

File Photo/The News
Renae Duncan, who will become interim provost and vice president of Academic Affairs effective April 1, speaks at a January 2015 meeting with Tim Todd, who she is replacing.

Duncan announced as interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

March 17, 2016

Story by Alicia Steele, Staff writer President Bob Davies announced today in an email to Murray State faculty and staff that Renae Duncan, associate...

Provost search halted until budget is finalized

Provost search halted until budget is finalized

February 18, 2016

Story by Alicia Steele, Staff writer Laura Lohr, president of Murray State’s Staff Congress and a member of the provost and vice president of Academic...

University search for provost on schedule

February 3, 2013

The 17-member provost search committee, established by President Randy Dunn during November, has met several times since its creation and has begun establishing...

Bonnie Higginson
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

Higginson announces resignation, decides to teach again

September 16, 2012

Bonnie Higginson, provost and vice president of Academic Affairs, has announced her resignation at the end of her term in July, 2013. Under her...

Cofer appointed LGBT coordinator

September 7, 2012

Jody Cofer is now representing two departments on campus. One as LGBT coordinator, which is under Student Affairs and his other is program coordinator...

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