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The Murray State News

The Murray State News

Study abroad program sees low enrollment

March 13, 2013

As the Study Abroad program is seeing low enrollment for the Regensburg, Germany excursion planned for the fall semester, they are forced to push back...

President Randy Dunn was in the spotlight again this week answering student, faculty and staff questions about 2013-14 fiscal budget. || Lori Allen/The News

Regents to hear final budget report

March 13, 2013

The Board of Regents meet today to discuss the draft recommendations consolidated by the budget planning and review teams, the President’s Office...

Rise in Racer escorts may be due to repeat users in spring semester

March 13, 2013

The number of students utilizing Racer escorts has steadily risen over the last several semesters. The service, offered by Murray State Racer Patrol,...

Spending cuts hit University programs: TRiO agency, Pell Grants among programs with uncertain futures

March 13, 2013

As the deadline for the activation of $85 billion in federal budget cuts loomed nearer last week, Americans pondered the consequences. In 2011, President...

Extended campus on schedule

March 13, 2013

Despite inclement weather, construction is on schedule for the new 43,000-square-foot Paducah (Ky.) Regional Campus. Construction of the new regional...

Racers defeat Eastern Kentucky for Championship game bid

March 9, 2013

Fighting to continue their season and Murray State careers, the Racer seniors stepped up Friday night in the semi-final game of the OVC Tournament to defeat...

Students perform after the initial play.

Ol’ fashioned: Annual Shakespeare Festival draws crowds with workshops, lectures

March 8, 2013

William Shakespeare invaded Murray State this week during the annual celebration of the Shakespeare Festival. For twelve years, the English department...

City Hall to relocate, make room for police department

City Hall to relocate, make room for police department

March 8, 2013

The City of Murray Long Range Planning Committee voted on Feb. 22 to authorize Mayor Bill Wells and his staff to hire an engineering firm to start a process...

MPD issuing city sticker violations at University

March 7, 2013

More than 200 students with vehicles parked in the residential college parking lots and near Roy Stewart Stadium were greeted Monday morning by yellow...

Dunn visits constituencies to announce BPR report cuts

March 7, 2013

Following a semester and a half of financial evaluations, the University’s budget planning and review teams have submitted their final reports to...

Smoked: Policy limits smoking amidst state rhetoric

February 21, 2013

A new policy, preventing students from smoking between the front doors and benches of Regents Residential College, will go into effect in the coming weeks. The...

Intramural campus sports have taken steps to decrease student injuries this year. || Photo illustration by Beamer Barron/The News

Intramural sports responds to complaints

February 21, 2013

One of the largest student involvement groups at Murray State is intramural sports, and with such a large number of students involved, accidents are...

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