After a successful 2012-13 season, the Ultimate Frisbee Club team is ready to kick off a new year.
Sophomore Caleb Newcomer, a member of the club, said last year’s team was decent.
“I think it got better as we went on,” Newcomer said. “We took fifth place in two or three tournaments and took second in the one we hosted in the spring.”
Sophomore Ray Hecht, another member of the team, said the team is excited for the upcoming season. According to Newcomer, the club only lost two players from last season.
The team has added new talent to the roster after recruiting on campus following the start of the fall semester.
Hecht said ultimate frisbee is not as easy as it sounds. He said the game takes more than just a good toss.
“You have to be pretty quick and in good shape,” Hecht said.
Hecht said for this team, it takes every member to be successful as a whole. There is no coach telling the team what to do, and the members have to truly love the game to remain dedicated.
“We have two captains that run the practices, but no coach,” Hecht said. “We have a faculty adviser who supports us.”
To stay in shape, the team has practice four nights a week, Monday through Thursday, starting at 8 p.m. and lasts about two hours.
The team uses the intramural fields for practice, as well as a home field. However, the team mostly travels for its tournaments.
“Last year all of our tournaments were mainly in Kentucky and Tennessee,” Hecht said. “We also went to one in Evansville, (Ind.)”
The Ultimate Frisbee Club will begin this year’s season on Sept. 20 when it competes in a tournament hosted in Carbondale, Ill.
Story by Taylor Crum, Assistant Sports Editor