The staff editorial is the majority opinion of the editorial board of The Murray State News.
The recent rise in the number of fatal car accidents is disturbing. As young people, we sometimes feel as if we are being targeted by the authorities when it comes to driving. Certainly the insurance costs are enough to show we are targeted for general recklessness and dangerous driving.
But even if you disagree with the insurance companies, the numbers don’t lie when it comes to vehicle fatalities. Above all else there is nothing more regretful than losing someone to a cause so meaningless. When all it takes is a little more patience and a lighter foot to save a life it’s hard not to point the finger at those whose fault it so often is: ours. The fact is, our generation needs to start taking responsibility for its actions on the road. However frustrated we may get with other drivers or impatient we become with the speed limit, the law is the law.
As much as young people may believe driving is a right, it is not. It is a privilege to both teens and adults alike, and its time for those who can drive to start acting more like the latter. This state has enough issues to deal with already without having to worry about the irresponsibility of overanxious, young drivers.
Luckliy the Kentucky State Police has been proactive in trying to curb the amount of vehicle fatalities.
David Jude, spokesperson for the Kentucky State Police, said they want to be proactive in addressing the increase of highway deaths on Kentucky’s roads.
“KSP wants to remind motorists not to become complacent when it comes to highway safety,” Jude said. “We plan to be vigilant in enforcing seat belt laws and will continue targeting impaired drivers who endanger the lives of others.”
Even on campus, police are taking meaures to educate students on better driving skills.
Lt. Jeff Gentry, Public Safety officer, said there are several safety programs the Murray State Police have implemented to help with safety on campus.
Gentry said officers will do traffic enforcement as normal patrol, issue warnings, citations and make arrests if necessary.
“Officers will also conduct educational programs in the residential colleges; officers will speak on drinking and driving, the laws and penalties,” Gentry said. “Officers will use the drunk goggles to simulate an impaired driver.”
We are glad to see the pro-active steps being taken by state officials. Hopefully young people will see this as an opportunity, both for themselves and others.