Ordway Hall, one of the oldest buildings on campus might not be standing much longer, requiring offices within to relocate.
The decision made to tear down Ordway Hall has been put on hold until June, with the specification it would not be destroyed if external funding or grants were given to the University before the next board meeting to permit its restoration.
Wilson Hall, Wrather Hall, Wells Hall, Pogue Library and Lovett Auditorium are the other five buildings original to the campus. Ordway Hall originally served as a dormitory.
Building and Grounds Committee Chairman Jack Rose said demolishing both Ordway and Woods would give the University more space for future building projects, such as the new library.
Career Services and Student Affairs have offices in Ordway Hall. Woods Hall occupies International Studies. A majority of the space comes from the basement which is not functional.
Jordie Oetken/The News
Over the break, and into this semester, contracted workers have been clearing space in the Applied Sciences Building once occupied by the Graphic Communications Management. That program made the move into Wilson Hall well over a year ago, leaving behind aged printing materials and dark rooms.
A hazardous materials team worked in the building most of this week, disposing of old chemicals students used in the production of images, as well as inks and other tools Facilities Management workers cannot use.
Career Services is expected to move in to the vacated spot in Applied Sciences by May – but Don Robertson, vice president of Student Affairs, said he would like to see the move put on hold until students leave so as to prevent any confusion on the part of students.