Murray State students will soon have more dining options.
Meagan Hart, Sodexo marketing manager, discussed the options during a recent Residential College Association meeting.
Mein Bowl’s opening has been halted due to construction delays, and while there is no confirmed date for its completion, Hart said she hopes it will be completed by fall break.
Business Express in the Bauernfeind College of Business now offers meal exchanges on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A coffee cart in the Engineering and Physics building will open on Sept. 5.
“We’re really excited to put something over on that side of campus,” Hart said. “We are trying to deliver [new dining options] early on this semester.”
The Residential College Association (RCA) is a student organization committed to the needs of Murray State residents and commuters. They arrange events every year and provide students a forum for questions and suggestions. The first general body meeting was held Monday, Aug. 21.
RCA President Jaylon Taggart discussed the success of a merchandise swap event hosted Aug. 18, called FestEscape. FestEscape was modeled after its affiliate SwagSwap, which is a regional scale merchandise swapping event.
“Overall, it was a complete success,” Taggart said. “We had nearly 90 people in attendance. So thank you for making one of our first programs of the year just amazing.”
Joanne Guns, associate director of housing and administrative services, said she urges students to submit August’s “of the month” recognitions to the National Residence Hall Honorary for August before Friday, Sept. 1. Leadership and submission reading positions are open at the NRHH, interested students should contact Guns or Corey Ipock.
The RCA executive board shared a few important dates to remember. There will be a Qdoba Rebate Night on Aug. 31. Registered Student Organization paperwork is due Sept. 8, and the RSO fair will be Sept. 20.
With Residential Spirit Day coming up on Sept. 13, Lauren Moore, vice president of leadership and development, introduced the spirit stick. After earning a spirit stick at a conference in May, Moore developed her own version to “showcase [students’] hard work and ability to bring community to Murray State.”
Homecoming will be Oct. 13-15. The overall theme is “Forever Blue and Gold.” The Homecoming parade theme is “Racer Road Trip.”
In other RCA business, legislation to create two new positions is being drafted. Scottlyn Ballard, coordinating officer of multicultural initiatives, and Bryce Drake, coordinating officer of communications, will fill these interim positions until the legislation is passed.
RCA general body meetings are held at 5 p.m. on Mondays in the Curris Center Barkley Room. Attendance is open to all students. The Residential College Association is also on Instagram @msu_rca.