Daniella Tebib
News Editor
Republican red took over Big Blue Nation at Rupp Arena on Monday for a “Keep America Great” rally, just 11 hours before the polls open.
President Donald Trump endorsed incumbent candidate Matt Bevin ahead of Tuesday’s election.
The Kentucky gubernatorial election is one of just three in the nation this year.
Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell among other key Republicans were at Bluegrass Airport to greet the president when Air Force One touched down.
Many supporters in the crowd and even those standing behind Trump, had shirts on that read: “Read the Transcript,” which references Trump’s recent rhetoric regarding the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into him. Trump repeatedly said in an interview and on social media that reading the transcript would prove his innocence.
Trump was also met by hundreds of protesters at Triangle Park in Lexington, Kentucky, in opposition of Trump and Bevin’s policies.
“Some [protestors] tell me they want President Trump to know that there are people here in Kentucky who do not support his corrupt politics,” Kylen Mills, from LEX 18, said on her Twitter.
While the “Keep America Great” rally was not a direct campaign event for Bevin, Trump shared words of support for the candidate as well as the other Republican candidates competing for state offices.
“Tomorrow Kentucky has a chance to send the radical Democrats a message, you will vote to reject the Democrats’ extremism, socialism and corruption and you will vote to re-elect Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin who’s done a great job,” Trump said. “Matt’s a veteran, he’s a patriot. He’s done it all. He’s been a very very successful business leader. He put his whole life at stake to help this state and the job he’s done is incredible.”
Trump talked about how their collaboration led to the creation of over 57,000 new jobs in Kentucky since Bevin took office. He said that before he and Bevin took office companies were leaving Kentucky for other countries like China and Japan.
“Now they are all coming back,” Trump said. “They’re all coming back. But Beshear wants to shut down your coal, shutdown your energy, raise your taxes and take a giant wrecking ball to the greatest economy in the history of the state of Kentucky, the greatest economy you’ve ever had.”
He attributed the state’s success to Bevin’s work ethic and mindset.
“He’s such a pain in the ass, but that’s what you want in a governor,” Trump said. “The job he has done is one of the best in the country, if not the best. He’s been incredible.”
Trump also discussed some political issues prominent in this election.
“Matt is strong on crime and tough on illegal immigration,” Trump said. “He’s pro-work, pro-life, and 100 percent pro-Second Amendment. By the way, you’re going to lose your Second Amendment if you vote in Democrats – you think I’m kidding.”
Trump called Bevin to the podium where he spoke in favor of Trump.
“How do you like having President Trump in Rupp Arena,” Bevin said. “This is better than the Final Four in terms of energy. This is extraordinary. Thank you Kentucky. It is critical that we go top to bottom from this slate and vote straight Republican, but do your civic duty. Let’s get out and vote. Let’s send a message to Washington to the other states, to the United States of America that Kentucky is leading the way and that we support the president of the United States Donald J. Trump.”
During the rally, Trump also made negative comments about the media.
“That disgusting newspaper right there, the Washington Post, declared the campaign to impeach President Trump has just begun,” Trump said.
Two student-run newspaper publications, the Kentucky Kernel from UK and the Rambler from Transylvania University, were denied media credentials for the event but not given a reason why.
Trump also called Sen. Rand Paul to the podium.
“President Trump has great courage,” Paul said. “He faces down the fake media everyday, but Congress needs to step up and have equal courage to defend the president… We also now know the name of the Whistleblower. I say tonight to the media – do your job and print his name.”
Trump’s final message to Kentucky was to vote straight down the party line.
“Tomorrow everyone needs to vote Republican,” Trump said. “We gotta go Republican all the way.”
Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday in Kentucky.
Stay with The News for more election coverage throughout the day on Tuesday.