Murray State celebrates Homecoming 2019 with the theme “Return of the Racers” based
off of the popular Star Wars movie Return of the Jedi. Annual homecoming themes are one of
the many exciting aspects that the community enjoys when preparing for Homecoming
Homecomings across the nation serve important purposes of building school pride and
continuing exciting traditions. School spirit during Homecoming Weekend soars as everyone
engages in the parade, football games, and much more.
Seeing old friends and making new connections is an important part of Homecoming
Weekend. Alumni return to reconnect with other graduates and old professors they haven’t seen
in years. Students get the chance to meet alumni and make memories they will eventually
reminisce over as alumni themselves.
Other long-lived traditions such as Tent City, A Taste of the Arts Dinner and Auction, and
the Homecoming Parade create a packed weekend of celebrating Murray State. These
festivities create involvement and rewarding opportunities for networking.
Greek Life activity on campus reaches an all time high. Besides tabling for Tent City,
many fraternities and sororities have spent a lot of time and manpower creating Homecoming
floats that will be showcased in the parade. Everybody involved with the floats works so hard
each year, which makes watching them that much more enjoyable.
Tent City, a relatively new tradition that started in the ‘80s, is a great opportunity for
organizations and clubs to fundraise and promote themselves. Along with the floats, the tables
for Tent City further adds a sense of community. Walking through the elongated path of bustling
activity by the football fields amplifies the school pride pumping through people’s veins.
There is something about the whole campus sporting Murray State gear that makes the
energy on campus feel alive. Celebrating school pride is what Homecomings are for. Cheering
on the football team and seeing everybody show school spirit makes the whole community feel
as though they are a part of something special.
Walking through Tent City and watching the Homecoming Parade allows exposure to
many different clubs and organizations that people might not otherwise know about. These
events, along with many other traditions like the Miss Black and Gold Pageant, are great
settings to relax and enjoy oneself.
Smaller clubs get exposure and fundraising opportunities at Tent City. Murray
businesses can also promote and profit. Not only does the University benefit, the entirety of the
town gains from Homecoming Weekend.
Many Greek Life chapters will celebrate milestone marks for the number of active years
on campus. Homecoming 2019 marks Alpha Tau Omega’s 60th year at Murray State, Sigma
Phi Epsilon’s 50th anniversary on campus, and 25 years for Alpha Sigma Phi.
Homecoming is a wonderful time for students to broaden their friend groups and meet
other students on campus. Opening up and meeting new people can lead to so many great
opportunities, from friendships to jobs and internships.
As stressful as college can be, students should enjoy their time here while they can. Fun
campus activities like Homecoming are short and sweet, so take advantage when they come.
Before you know it, four years have come and gone, and students will attend Homecoming as
alumni to reminisce about their pasts.
Murray State is a wonderful and welcoming university and community-building events
like Homecoming Weekend are a reason for this. Alumni are proud to come back, and people
are nostalgic to see everyone because they love the University and the people that make it up.
Homecoming shows Murray State at its best.