Story by Amy Turner, Staff writer
Graphic courtesy of Pixabay
It can be hard to get back into the swing of things when starting off the new semester. One of the best ways to get your life back on track is to get involved on campus. Getting involved helps to enrich the college experience by introducing students to new friends and social groups. Here are some ways to experience new opportunities and challenges.
Greek life
Getting involved on campus can come in various forms. One of the most common ways involves rushing a sorority or fraternity. Each group has an individual identity and can help form friendships for life. Not only does Greek life offer a unique opportunity for social bonding, but each group has a philanthropic aspect as well.
Clubs within your major
Another way to get involved on campus is through clubs and employment opportunities. Almost every major has an associated club offering students the ability to practice their skills and network with professionals in the field. From pre-vet to journalism, there are hundreds of student organizations and clubs to get involved with.
Campus ministries/religious organizations
Several campus ministries and religious organizations on campus that are always hosting events and recruiting students. These groups meet at various times throughout the week to serve the religious community of students on campus.
Residential colleges
These colleges put on events and programming every week. The Residential Advising staff of each college help to create and run social and educational programs to reduce stress and bring joy to residents’ lives. Each residential college also offers students a chance to get involved through RCC. These events can range from movie nights to pet therapy. Be on the lookout for posters and flyers throughout your residential college for information on these events.
Student Government Association
This is a great way to stay informed on all things campus-related, as well as get your opinion heard. There are several opportunities to get involved, the main one being the weekly senate meetings on Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. in the Barkley Room. There are currently vacant positions on the senate and applications can be found online.
On-campus job
There are always jobs to be found across campus. Working on campus guarantees that your work schedule will revolve around your class schedule. It also provides fewer hours to allow student workers to place a large emphasis on school work over a job.
Intramural sports are a way to get involved through several different organizations. Residential colleges, clubs, campus ministries and various other groups all compete in friendly sports games, like soccer and softball.