Story by Alicia Steele, Staff writer

Renae Duncan, who will become interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs effective April 1, speaks at a January 2015 meeting with Tim Todd, who she is replacing.
President Bob Davies announced today in an email to Murray State faculty and staff that Renae Duncan, associate provost for undergraduate education, will take over as interim provost and vice president for Academic Affairs effective April 1.
As part of this transition, Davies wrote that Robert Pervine, associate provost for graduate education and research, has also agreed to take on additional duties in the provost office.
“Dr. Duncan’s collaborative leadership approach, supported by Dr. Pervine’s similar style, will enable us to continue our progress and work through the budget challenges, prior to making such a critical long-term decision,” Davies wrote.
The current plan is to resume the halted provost search shortly after July 1, assuming that a budget is passed by the state, Davies wrote. Duncan will replace Tim Todd, who has served as interim provost since July after former Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Jay Morgan left the university. Todd will return to the Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business as dean.
“I sincerely appreciate the willingness of Dr. Duncan and Pervine to accept these additional responsibilities and for the support our academic deans have offered during this transition,” Davies wrote. “Dr. Duncan and Pervine are well respected throughout our university community, as well as throughout the commonwealth, and I know they will represent us well.”
Davies said Duncan will hold the position of interim provost until a full search is completed.