Story by Da’sha Tuck, Staff writer

Last year’s participants celebrate the start of the color run and celebrate the money they raised.
Runners place one foot after the other pushing themselves faster as they run the loop at Chestnut Park; here comes the first color station. As the runners keep pace around the loop, they are hit with more and more color, turning their white event shirts into a rainbow.
These runners are not just running to stay fit or to have their shirts be the most colorful; they are running for a cause.
The Lions Club hosts events like the Color For A Cause Paint Run/Walk so they can donate the proceeds to other non-profit organizations. Susan Davis, president of the Murray Business Lions, said the proceeds from this year’s Color Cause will go to the NeedLine Backpack Program. Last year the Color Cause had around 195 runners and this year the number is projected to be close to 300.
The Lions Club is a non-profit organization with a mission ‘‘to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.”
The Murray Business Lions will be hosting a color run on Saturday, Sept. 12. This is the second time the Murray Lions have hosted the Color For A Cause Paint Run/Walk. Davis said last year they made $4,000 and this year she expects the turnout to increase.
Davis said her daughter participated last year even though she was not an avid runner. She said she enjoyed the event so much she didn’t realize she was sore until the next morning.
Davis doesn’t get to participate in the running because she said she is too busy filling buckets will color water, but she enjoys the event.
The run will be held at Chestnut Park in Murray and the one mile loop will have five color stations. The runners can run the loop as many times as they choose and the volunteers will keep the color coming every time they pass.
“Each station will be playing music and will have a tent set up,” Davis said. “It will be like a little party at each station.’’
Registration for this event costs $25 and the deadline to register is Aug. 31. Late registration is $35. The race will begin at 8 a.m. on Sept. 12. The race will end no later than noon. Runners will receive an event T-shirt as well as a pair of color run sunglasses.
“It is all fun,’’ Davis said. ‘‘People can run the loop or if they like the blue station they can cut across and keep going back.’’
Kevin Spengle, a member of the Murray Lions, mixed up the paint on Tuesday afternoon. He said they are experimenting with a new process this year because making the paint for the event is a lengthy process.
Davis said last year she covered her driveway in plastic and they made the paint in rows down the driveway.
The paint is mixed in a cement machine and then broken down by hand into small pellets as it dries. As the colored corn starch paint is dried, it becomes the fine dust that will be thrown on the runners. This year the Lions increased the amount of color they bought by 250 pounds.
To register, go to