Story by Da’sha Tuck, Staff writer.
Jenny Farley or “JWOWW” from “Jersey Shore” stopped into Murray’s Panera Bread in July.
Splashing water, beach chairs, no class and better yet, home sweet home for the summer. These are just a few things that are on students’ minds as they dredge through spring finals.
No matter how much the spring semester seemed to drag on it did in fact come to an end. Pencils down at the end of the last final; that meant one thing – sweet summer vacation had arrived.
While the students of Murray State were poolside melting away the stresses from the academic year, Murray State’s campus did not throw in the towel. Many events and programs kept the campus alive while students were away.
As many students probably saw on Yik Yak, Twitter, Facebook or any other social media site, Jenny Farley or “JWOWW” from “Jersey Shore,” stopped in at Murray’s Panera Bread. Trey Long, manager of Panera, said they were really busy that day but he made time to get a picture with the celebrity.
“It was our first celebrity,” he said. “She came in with an assistant and they ordered food and JWOWW took pictures with some people.”
Long said the star had stayed overnight in Murray at the Hampton Inn and was headed toward Paris, Tenn., with Australian Gold tanning lotion distributors for an appearance.
Construction on State Route 121 took place this summer and is still in the works. Weather delayed the project this summer.
“The construction caused a lot of problems. It made it harder to get to and from places. I’ll be glad when it is gone,” Liz Wall, junior from Murray, said.
When the parking lot in front of Hart College was blocked off last spring, students were less than pleased.
Talk about the new dorm is around campus already and all it is now is a metal frame. New Franklin is projected to be finished in the fall of 2016.
The tobacco free policy is in full swing now that the semester has begun. Murray State’s campus recreation and wellness centers are offering courses to assist students and faculty in quitting the use of tobacco.
Murray State’s Branding, Marketing and Communication departments said the program is called Not On Tobacco (N-O-T). The program was created by the American Lung Association. The course consists of 10 sessions over 10 weeks.
Get out and check out all the new improvements.