Despite the bitter cold, intramural flag football players were out on the field Tuesday night. Alpha Sigma Alpha lost to Kappa Delta 13-6.
At the beginning ASA had a solid defense but couldn’t hold back KD’s A team who soon took the lead.
Natalie Hoesli, junior from Owensboro, Ky., made the first touchdown of the night and after that there was no stopping her.
Though there were few people on the field, there was a constant stream of cheers.
Maddie McNeil, freshman from St. Louis, sat bundled on the sidelines watching her sisters.
“I’m just here to see my Kappa Delta ladies,” McNeil said.
She said that being away from home isn’t easy but she sits in the cold to support her sisters because KD is her home away from home.
Players of ASA were just as excited to watch their sisters even through the unpleasant weather.
KD’s captain said she was proud of her sister’s and looks forward to more moments like this.
“It’s the first win of the season and it is cold but I feel great,” said Sarah Dotson, senior from Louisville, Ky.
Dotson was enthusiastic and said she looks forward to more of the intramural games in the spring.
Story by Da’Sha Tuck, Contributing writer