Senior AOII B team player Angela Survant plays Sigma Alpha Monday.
Intramural women’s flag football teams Sigma Alpha and AOII B team faced off at the intramural fields Monday night.
Both independent teams gave a valiant effort, but in the end AOII B took home the win.
Sigma Alpha coach Michael Hill said compared to previous games, Sigma Alpha is making great strides to play better and is moving in the right direction.
“Compared to previous games we are moving the ball better, we are keeping the ball and not turning it over, and we just have to focus on getting it in the end zone and scoring more touchdowns,” Hill said.
A first-year coach, Hill said he thinks he can lead Sigma Alpha in the right direction.
“This is my first season as their coach and this is the first season Sigma Alpha has had a coach,” Hill said.
One of the most challenging things Sigma Alpha faced at Monday’s game was a play they had not seen before, called a zone sweep that the AOII B team executed efficiently against them.
“The most challenging thing tonight for us was probably the zone sweep the other team performed because we have not seen it this season,” Hill said.
This season the goal that Sigma Alpha has set for themselves is to play, improve attitude and get better at playing flag football.
Even though they did not take home the win, they still took home what they can improve on for their next game.
“Even though they did not win we are still making great progress,” Hill said.
Staff Report