First Year Leaders pose during Great Beginnings for a photo in the Curris Center.
If you remember how unnerving your first few days on campus were, you might want to look into helping new students by becoming a First Year Leader for Fall 2014. Recruitment for next semester’s First Year Leaders begins next week.
First Year Leaders is a program that provides new Murray State students an opportunity to connect with experienced students.
Emma Schell, sophomore from Madisonville, Ky., is an FYL captain.
“There is an FYL captain for every residential college,” Schell said. “During Great Beginnings, which is the first few days before class begins, FYLs will attend programs with the new students and have meetings.”
Schell said the program’s intention is to build relationships between the leaders and their students as well as help those students become acquainted with campus in general.
FYL responsibilities begin in the fall. Schell said FYLs move in early and train before their students arrive on campus.
FYL?responsibilities may begin in the fall, but these students are encouraged to keep in contact with their FYL group throughout the academic year.
She said each FYL is assigned approximately 10 students within their residential college.
During Great Beginnings FYLs organize activities with their students so they become comfortable and familiar with campus and get to know FYLs better.
“After Great Beginnings and throughout the semester, FYLs keep in contact with their students to see how they are doing and be there for them when needed,” Schell said.
She said the FYL program welcomes various majors and all types of people.
The FYL program is vital because FYLs serve as an important resource to new students, Schell explained.
“Coming to college can be a very tough transition and students need someone immediately to go to if they need help, direction or advice,” Schell said.
Schell said that just as FYLs are extraordinarily beneficial to students, taking the time to serve as an FYL is also beneficial to the leaders themselves.
“It provides leadership experience, which looks great on resumes,” she said. “FYLs have the opportunity to develop professional and personal relationships with faculty, staff and students. FYLS will also receive academic credit for completion of the GUI course.”
Schell said her experience with the FYL program was a beneficial one and something she enjoyed.
“I love being an FYL because I get to mentor girls through their first semester of college,” she said. “I am able to be an extra resource that my students feel comfortable going to because I live right down the hall.”
According to the Murray State website on the FYL page: “a First Year Leader is one of the very first people who will make an impression on new students and their families.”
“To be an FYL, I recommend going to an interest session in your residential college starting in the next couple of weeks,” Schell said.
Online applications to be an FYL open April 1 and the interviewing process begins April 21.
The requirements for being a FYL are a cumulative GPA of 2.3 and a minimum of 24 credit hours.
Schell said FYLs are also required to take either GUI 251 or GUI 252. She said more information about all of these requirements along with other common concerns will be discussed at each residential college’s informational meeting.
Schell encourages students who are interested in being a FYL to apply as soon as they can.
Story by Alex Mahrenholz, Staff writer