Assistant Features
I have been putting off writing this column for as long as I can, because I was not sure how to exactly do it justice.
As promised in my first column, my stories about Taylor Swift are pretty abundant. I have been fortunate enough to call myself a fan of Taylor for more than seven years. I first discovered her music in 2006 when she was only 16 years old and I was only 13 years old. However, I consider myself far from being a “Swiftie,” as many of her other fans like to title themselves.
It all began the first time I heard her first single “Tim McGraw” on the radio. After that I found her on MySpace and I was instantly a fan. Now, keep in mind, this was long before anyone knew who the curly headed, blonde teenage girl singing about love was, but I was captivated.
I had the pleasure of meeting Taylor the first time in June of 2007 at the CMA Music Festival. I was on cloud nine. She was just as wonderful and bubbly and sweet in person as I had imagined, and honestly my 14-year-old self could not have been happier.
After that, my friends and I made trips at least three times a year to her concerts and to see her any time she was within six hours of home. And somehow, I eventually began to consider Taylor a friend. She never forgot my name, where I was from or anything I had shared with her through the years.
Although after her career really took off and she became the superstar we all know now, getting a chance to speak with her became harder and harder.
In June of 2013, it had been more than two years since I had the opportunity to catch up with Taylor, but at the CMT Awards that all changed.
While seat-filling, speaking with the celebrities is borderline forbidden, but I was seated three seats down from her when she looked over and noticed me. She immediately yelled my name and said how long it had been since she had seen me. She even noticed I had changed my hair since our last meeting. She then got up from her seat and came over to me and kneeled in front of me as she asked me questions about my life and how I had been.
It was surreal. For a while, I had begun to think that the fame had gotten to her head, there was no way she could still be the same girl I had met in 2007, but I was proven wrong. She is just as genuine and down-to-earth as she seems.
I truly do consider Taylor a friend.
Column by Breanna Sill, Assistant Features Editor
Linda Tucker Pilkington • Apr 1, 2014 at 4:30 am
Very interesting Breanna! You just gave Taylor a real heart! Most celebrities are just going through the motions.
Hulan Lhagvadorj • Mar 15, 2014 at 1:30 pm
omg that was so emotionally when i read :'))) i just can't
Rozzette Anne Reyes • Mar 15, 2014 at 11:17 am
Im crying, I swear. Oh Tay. :(( <33333
Carina Málfô? • Mar 14, 2014 at 3:20 pm
This is just the type of article I love to read, especially with so much negativity spread so easily in media nowadays. I've been a fan of Taylor since she came on the scene as well, though have unfortunately never had the pleasure of meeting her. I really, really hope to some day, but I know the odds are not in my favor.
That said, I am so, so happy for you to have gotten to know meet her- and know her- like this. It speaks volumes to the type of person she truly is. I think a lot of people worry that their idol may not live up to their image, and I know that sometimes this is sadly the case, which is why I find it so awesome that Taylor truly *is* as down to Earth as we all hear and hope she is. Thank you so much for sharing this adventure- and may you have more meetings with her to come :).