Like Katniss from “The Hunger Games,” students found a way to come up with a new campus sport– archery.
Students have signed up for Archery club and expect positive results.
Ellen Shipley, junior from Cadiz, Ky., has practiced archery for years and plans on expanding her talents along with other Murray State students.
“I had it in the back of my mind when I started college that it would be awesome if the school I went to had an archery team,” Shipley said.
Randy Lewis, Murray High School archery coach, proposed the idea to Shipley for all participants of the club to be directed under U.S. Collegiate Archery Association.
“When Randy approached me he already had a volunteer for our adviser, Matt Kelly, senior (associate) athletic director,” she said. “I think that is the biggest hurdle we had to get over and we are blessed to have that taken care of so easily. We had to write a constitution and bylaws in order to become a club recognized by MSU. The whole process was fairly easy once we got pointed in the right direction.”
By the end of last semester, the club started the process and now it has finally come together, Shipley said.
“Due to weather and other factors we are getting a kind of late start in the semester,” she said.
Some professors have signed up and have shown interest in the club.
“We have had professors show interest in the club and this would be a unique opportunity to bring professors and students together outside of the classroom as peers and not superiors,” Shipley said.
The team’s plans are expected to be positive and fun while competing against nationally ranked teams.
“This semester we may never get to the competitive part, but we certainly plan to next semester,” she said. “Another goal is to become successful enough that Murray will offer scholarships to students who want to compete.”
Shipley states archery as a sport encompasses more than just shooting an arrow at a target. She believes it offers all students an opportunity to be successful.
“Archery is a sport for everyone,” Shipley said. “You don’t have to be fast, tall or stocky to be successful. You just have to be dedicated.”
Story by McKenzie Willett, Staff writer
Christine Batts • Mar 10, 2014 at 7:02 pm
corrected spelling
Christine Batts • Mar 10, 2014 at 7:01 pm
Find all kinds of targets (even for schools) on
Christine Batts • Mar 10, 2014 at 7:00 pm
Find all kinds of Archery Targets (ev
en for schools) on