Savannah Sawyer
Staff writer

Students looking for spooks and scares this season do not have to go far for a good scream. From the Evil Community of Talon Falls in Melber, Ky., to the Chainsaw Slaughterhouse in Benton, Ky., students can enjoy plenty of evenings of chills.
The Chainsaw Slaughterhouse was created in response to school funding cuts in Kentucky. Owner David Morgan and his family came up with the idea to have a year-round haunted house so they could support schools all year.
They have now been open for eight years and over those years have spent their time giving back to the community.
“Every year, with the exception of this one, the schools have received every penny from the haunted house,” Morgan said.
On the website, Morgan said “(we) have roots here and are very active in the community. We give back to local schools, community centers and groups. We are all volunteers that donate our time and energies doing something we love.”
Morgan said the money this year would go to the schools and also to another cause.
“There will be a fortuneteller out front and all proceeds from that will be going straight to the American Heart Association,” Morgan said.
Morgan said they put on the haunted house year-round for the joy of entertaining other people.
“It is the greatest compliment to hear someone scream in terror and know that what they dreamed of, and we put into practice, is being enjoyed by others,” the website stated. “We love what we do and we hope it shows.”
They have also paired with multiple anti-drug programs. They help out kids by giving them jobs and a safe place to go.
“We like to show these kids that you can be more than what your environment is,” Morgan said. “You can always work your way out of it.”
The Chainsaw Slaughterhouse is located at 782 Murray Highway. in Benton, Ky.
The Evil Community of Talon Falls Screampark, located at 2932 State Route 849 West in Melber, Ky., is “three haunts in one location.” Attractions include a haunted screampark, a haunted hayride and a haunted house.
Cassie Collins, freshman from Murray, said she has been going to Talon Falls for the past five years and she loves being scared.
“I’m actually terrified of clowns and I go to get over my fear, but it never seems to work,” she said.
Collins said not only were there creepy clowns but also dolls, which she has added to her phobia list.
“(I) had a doll say they were going to take my hair and (cut it off) using a scalpel,” she said.
Collins said the workers at Talon Falls are always sure to put on a great show.
“The people that work there do such a good job,” she said. “I like that they’re committed to it. It’s not just a joke for them.”
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