Though most people have retired their costumes from Halloween, it seems there are some mummies who didn’t get the memo. Across campus, mummies have been posing for pictures and handing out fliers to promote their undead brethren’s Here Come the Mummies concert at 7:30 p.m., Nov. 21 in Lovett Auditorium.
Here Come the Mummies is a high energy, funk band based out of Nashville, Tenn. The band members perform “under wraps,” or full mummy costume to both conceal the artists’ true identities and stay in character. The ensemble includes anywhere between eight and 13 members, all with their own personality and alter ego. Each member even has an elaborate bio, which explains how they came back to life.
Those members include Eddie Mummy, B.B. Queen, K.W. Tut, Mummy Cass, Spaz, The Pole, Midnight, Mummy Rah, the Flu and Java Mummy.
Though there are many talents in the band, Java Mummy is the only one who speaks and can only speak when music is playing.
Hunter Harrell: I’ve heard some exciting things about the band Here Come the Mummies from fans and reviews. What kind of show can students expect from all of you?

Here Come the Mummies dress in full mummy attire for every appearance.
Java Mummy: You can expect eight mummies to throw down non-stop energy in the form of an undead dance party.
HH: For those who have never heard your music, how would you describe your sound?
JM: It is really hard to nail down, since we tend to genre hop a bit, but in general we play terrifying funk from beyond the grave, which ranges from rock to funk. During the show, you can expect everything from straight up funk, R&B ballads, to ska and Latin dance tunes. All of it will make you sweat.
HH: Why does the band perform as mummies? Where did the idea come from?
JM: We are mummies, and have resigned to let the world see it.
HH: What are the band members’ talents and specialties?
JM: Big question. Our trumpeter BB Queen’s specialty is making high end espresso, our lead singer and guitarist, Mummy Cass’ specialty is making contraptions. My specialty is as a sexual olympian.
HH: What is the most exciting part for the Mummies coming to Murray State?
JM: Exposing ourselves to many new eager ears and eyes.
HH: Is there anything special Murray State will see in the show?
JM: Save for an army of undead, slaying funky rock music, no.
HH: I have noticed some of the lyrics are a little dirty or sexy. Where do the Mummies get the inspiration for their songs?
JM: Sex.
HH: What are song-writing and recording sessions like for the Mummies?
JM: Hilarious. We sit and laugh, trying to out-pun each other.
HH: How do the Mummies balance perfecting their performance and maintaining life while their flesh is rotting?
JM: The dead flesh just adds to our funkiness, and for reasons that boggle the mind, it makes us more sexually irresistible.
HH: What are some of the band’s favorite places to perform or places to see while on tour?
JM: Ever been to Tijuana? We were there for several weeks while the donkeys were on vacation.
HH: What are the future plans for the Mummies? Will there be any new projects for the band?
JM: We are eagerly awaiting the release of our recently filmed live DVD.
Here Come the Mummies released its sixth album, “Cryptic,” in May. The band looks forward to adventures from beyond the grave on tour.
Story by Hunter Harrell, Assistant Features Editor