The number of students utilizing Racer escorts has steadily risen over the last several semesters.
The service, offered by Murray State Racer Patrol, has been used nearly 30 times this semester. If escorts increase in a steady manner, the spring semester will likely surpass the 49 total from Fall 2012.
For the last two spring semesters, escorts have been higher than the fall semesters before them. In the fall 2011 semester there were 26 escorts. There were 79 in the following spring semester.
David Devoss, chief of police and director of Public Safety Emergency Management, said it is unknown why escorts are higher during spring semesters. However, he said there are a few theories as to why the numbers fluctuate between years.
“We have noted that occasionally, a few students consistently request escorts each night, and generate the greatest number of escorts,” Devoss said.
If a student is nervous about walking across campus, they can call 809-2222 to request an escort. A Racer Patrol officer will respond and provide an escort for students at any time.
Racer Patrol consists of 16 student employees without complete police privileges. If a Racer Patrol employee is not available for any reason, a Murray State police officer will perform the escort.
Devoss said students have been informed consistently through varying orientations and programs that the service is available.