National Eating Disorders Awareness Week is February 24- March 2. With the 2013 theme, “Everybody Knows Somebody,” the National Eating Disorders Association recognizes its recent success in promoting the awareness of eating disorders.
The week, devised to prevent eating disorders and promote healthy body image, was created to remove some of the shame associated with eating disorders, so that those suffering from the illnesses will be more comfortable coming forward to receive treatment. The week was also devised to not only help just the individuals suffering, but also their families and loved ones so that they may be better informed and educated on how to address the illness in the future.
Through the development of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week and the information it has provided the general public, many organizations and institutions have developed their own services to offer those affected by unhealthy body image.
On Murray State’s campus, both male and female students may always contact the Women’s Center in 103A Oakley Applied Science as they offer support and informational programs for anyone in need.
Students in need may also contact the Psychological Center in 401 Wells Hall for counseling and assessment, or the Counseling and Testing Center for psychological counseling in C104 Oakley Applied Science.
Story by Shannon MacAllister, Staff writer.