Samantha VanHorn
The Racers Helping Racers Food Pantry celebrated 10 years on Feb. 14.
The Racers Helping Racers Food Pantry celebrated its tenth anniversary on Wednesday, Feb. 14.
Re’Nita Avery, director of student life and the Curris Center, said the idea behind the pantry started after attending a NASPA, Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education conference.
“During that time there was a session on food pantries for universities, and I so decided to go see if we could open a food pantry here on Murray State’s campus,” Avery said. “From the session I came back, eager to open up Racers Helping Racers”
Avery said she has seen an increase in students needing food assistance since the pantry first opened in 2014.
“Our mission here at the food pantry is to care, support and serve our students,” Avery said. “That is what we [are] governed by to make sure [students] know they have a place and [if] they have any questions and concerns they can come to us.”
A food pantry at the Hopkinsville regional campus opened in August to support and assist students.
At the main campus, students can pick-up items in Blackburn 244 or sign up curbside pickup using an online form.
For more information about the food pantry, visit their website.